Dora Carpenter

3 Instances When You Should Schedule Home Glass Window Repair Services

25 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your home's windows are an important part of its curb appeal. They also play a role in keeping your home insulated and comfortable. Over time, though, your windows may start to show their age and wear and tear. When this happens, you may start to notice issues like drafts, moisture damage, or even broken glass. When these problems arise, it's important to schedule professional home glass window repair services as soon as possible. Read More …

3 Tips To Improve The Lifespan Of Your Commercial Glass Windows

16 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Regular commercial glass window breakages might make you wonder what you can do to increase the service life of your glass windows. Discover how to take care of your commercial glass windows below. 1. Encourage Regular Inspections Cleaning your commercial windows allows for surface glass damage inspections. This inspection enables you to address minor issues before escalation. Also, organize periodic inspections of your commercial windows by a commercial glass installation professional. Read More …

Signs You Need A Windshield Replacement

2 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your windshield protects you from flying debris and rain as you drive. However, just like any other exterior car component, your windshield may wear down and require a replacement. Unfortunately, most owners fail to realize when it is time to seek auto glass replacement services. Here are signs you need a windshield replacement. Discoloration Prolonged sun exposure can cause discoloration to your windshield. If you notice yellow spots on your windshield, this is a warning sign you require a new windshield. Read More …

Three Qualities To Look For In A Window Repair Technician

22 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Windows are a vital part of your house. They are likely to need some repairs when damaged or whenever you want to replace them with a modern design. Getting a reliable window repair technician can be a headache. Your investment into windows deserves the best expertise and local knowledge. Here are three qualities you need to look for in the person you entrust to repair your windows. Experienced and Knowledgeable Read More …

A Frameless Glass Shower Door Can Offer Visual Benefits For Your Bathroom

27 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you getting tired of the same rod and curtain setup in your shower or looking to transform your entire bathroom? Either way, one of the best moves you can make if you want to change the look of your bathroom would be to install a frameless glass shower enclosure. Not only will frameless glass shower doors transform the visual appeal of your bath, adding glass to this area of your home can also offer a number of other visual benefits you might not have thought about. Read More …

About Me
Glass Is All Around Us

You have probably already looked at glass a few times today, but how much time have you actually spent thinking about glass? There's a lot to think about. Glass is one of very few materials that are 100 percent recyclable. It is also incredibly versatile. You can buy glass windows, glass mirrors, and even decor made from glass. We love thinking about and discussing glass, and we're really glad to have a place where we can share those thoughts with you. If you haven't guessed, that place is this website! Check back for all sorts of articles on glass and glass-related topics.
